Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Images In Vogue

....From safety pins to synthesizers, someone once used this term to describe the transition of music from the punk rock 70's to the New Wave 80's. While there may be some truth to that, I seriously doubt you'd find any music fan that would agree that punk transformed into New Wave. Rather New Wave was born as a result of it, and just like punk it was the necessity to express ones self in a unique, independent and often rebellious way that made it so appealing. Canada like so many countries a the time, produced it's fair share of New Wave bands, the pool of talent during the 80's developed, and prospered on many different continents, and a myriad of nations were represented by bands of all sorts and styles, today this is of course no longer the case.
...One of the more unique and original sounding New Wave bands of the 1980's was Images In Vogue. The band was formed in 1981 in Vancouver, and originally consisted of vocalist Dale Martindale, guitarist Don Gordon, synth players Joe Vizvary and Glen Nelson, bassist Gary Smith and percussionist Kevin Crompton. They are a Canadian band of exceptional talent, from the very beginning they showed a willingness to pushed the creative envelope, blending synthesizers, guitars and electronic drums, moving back and fourth across that imaginary, and often dangerous line that separated innovative New Wave from Pop.
...I think "Lust For Love" is one of the best New Wave songs ever written, it also happens to be the most widely recognized song by this band. ...This is also one of the Coolest video's of the 80's...Enjoy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great vid I love Images In Vogue, I saw them play in home town Vancouver couple of time in the 80s. What a special time.