Friday, October 28, 2011

2011 Zombie Walk - Toronto

Been so busy I just haven't had the time to write much this month, got a new job. Making more money than I used too, more money means more responsibility, more responsibility means more bullshit...Anyway, the end result is that I haven't had much time to write, I'd like to apologize to my fifteen loyal fans for my absenteeism. Last week week we had the 2011 Zombie walk in Toronto. Your truly went down for the day and while I was there I took a few shots. Last year nearly 6000 corpses writhed, weaved and lurched their way through the streets of Toronto feasting on those unlucky enough to be living. This year there must have been like 10,000. Me with my trusty Nikon found a nice perch on the top steps of a church along Queen St. West and managed to fire off a few shots. The walk lasted hours, Ive never seen so many zombies in my in my life...incidental the Zombie march started in Toronto and is now held in most major cities in the world. Last week Chile had their annual Zombie walk (Saturday Oct. 15, 2011) and thousands show up to eat the flesh of the living that live in Santiago....It's cool to be dead...


Color Laser toner cartridges said...

:) I love this zombie walk .. I hope there will be an event like this in our place...

Sandman said...

It certainly is alot of fun that for sure.